one idea can change the world...

You will need curiosity, creativity and courage...

In my early childhood it was already clear that solving problems, developing ideas and courageously testing a new plan were all characteristics of and activities in my life. While playing chess I wanted to understand every move in a field of immeasurable combinational possibilities - and a few years later I became a national champion. At the age of five I asked to play piano in the school concert and did this well two weeks later, although I had never played before.


In these examples I see two of the seeds for my present enthusiasm and calling as learning designer and creative facilitator for workshops, events and innovation projects.


In my first career as a teacher for adults and children I intuitively supported people to learn with interactive and creative methods. The following 15 years as a communication trainer showed me that a creative attitude is also useful in solving everyday communication issues. When presenting ideas one´s inner flexibility in interaction with the audience is also an essential motor for success - which means a confident and emotionally intelligent response to the people you want to convince of your message.


My formats for learning events are based on this combination of creativity, communication und didactics. For the last 15 years I have supported and inspired people in learning development programs around Germany and worldwide. I am still learning.. let´s learn together!